I have been so happy to be on this journey. Some have asked me Shelly why is this time different? I always say "I have no idea why it now has clicked for me. If I knew I would Patton it". It's just been a better time for me this time around. Do I have weeks that I have gained? YES!! but I do not get down , or be hard on myself. "change from before" I try to stay positive. Steve helped me make the decision I DO NOT WEIGH THAT I DO NMYSELF... I only weigh in at my Weight Watchers meeting once a week..
FOOD--- I eat what I want in smaller portions. I do not eat sweets every day. The only low fat things I have put in my diet are.. I can't believe its not butter- and Greek Yogurt. I do eat lots of Veggies , fruit, and I drink tons of water. If I want a Soft Drink I do. NOT DIET.. The sugar in Diet Drinks makes you crave sweets. So you end up drinking more or eating other sweet. "I can have that cookie, I had a Diet Pop". I do go out to eat. I have an App on my phone that helps me pick Healthier options. I do not really eat fried foods anymore, but may once in awhile. When I cook for the family I cook what we normally ate. I just tweak it a little. I also look at web sites for Healthy Cooking Ideas.
Exercises- I used to go to Snap Fitness at night. I started to notice we just had to many things going on at night. I now go every morning "early" this helps me feel Focused, gives me energy, I am happier, I feel more accomplished. and it really makes my day.
My Weight Loss is 26.2 Pounds and I have lost more then Two inches all over. Some places lots more..
I would love to have your Ideas on food and encouragement.
Keep it up!! That's what I tell myself every day..