Elizabeth and I went to see Wicked last night for the first time. We had such a good time and can't wait to see it again. I have been waiting for Legally Blonde to come and it will be here Sept: 22-27 of 09. I will be going to that!!
Eating Dinner at UNO PIZZA before the show.
Waiting for Wicked to start! Our seats are on the end so we always got to the Bathroom first. That was a plus for Elizabeth.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Off she goes!!!
She hopes to Barrel Race when she is older and of course be the Rodeo Queen.
Wow time has past. I can not believe it is July. We have been having so much fun this Summer. Shelby wanted her Family and Friends to go to Cali. We had a great time! I love Sea World... I have gone to the Valley A few times and been with Family and Friends and Steve went the last time for July 4Th. I love being with the ones I love. Girls Camp is this week and Steve and I will be cooks, LOVE IT.... I have had some health issues but looks like they are getting better :) The past two years have been hard for us. Steve loosing his job. I am just thankful for my Fam: and Friends. We have wonderful kids a great marriage and we belong to the best church ever!!!! Need a Book of Mormon anyone??? I will put Pics up later.
I love being a wife and a mom of FIVE.My husband Steve and I are High School SWEET HEARTS. We got married at age 18, this year will be 22 years WOW! He still is SOOOO.. HOT! I would have had many more kids if my back was better.I love being a mom nothing can compare. I am very active in all two schools my kids go. I love scrapbooking and creating things. I like a clean home and hate leaving the house with dishes in the sink. CRAZY! I know!